Archive | March 2014

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meatball heroes

Meatballs make me smile. Maybe it’s that song we learned as kids — “On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.” Or perhaps it’s that southern Italian cooking that anyone who grew up in New York knows. (You could throw a dart in New York City and it […]

grading on a curve

I’ve always had a thing for men who teach. I don’t know what it is. Must be the intelligence, the power to make me think, the desire on my part to show that I understand. But before you go all “whoa” on me (hey, I’m talking about drawing hearts during class, not drawing leers during […]

what’s up, doc?

If feeling under the weather is a euphemism for feeling just plain crappy, then I’ve spent the last few days feeling sleety. With little to no chance of sun. Just a winter cold with all the inherent symptoms — but enough to make even thinking a huge ordeal. As someone who doesn’t take well to […]