circling the sun

candle scandal

They say that age is just a number. Okay, then, here’s a number for you – 66. Yup. Today is my 66th birthday, the start of my 67th trip around the sun. And, if I’m perfectly honest with myself (the person I find it the most difficult to be perfectly honest with – don’t we […]

gidget goes birthday

As another birthday is here (and this one is certainly a milestone – how did 65 happen?), I find myself remembering birthdays from the past. The ones at college, celebrating with friends and pizza. The ones as a working person in New York City, marked by shared-March-birthday lunches with co-workers and evening cocktails with confidants. […]

circle this

There is something about the idea of a circle that I find hugely comforting. Whether it’s the circle of love and commitment symbolic to a wedding ring; the warmth and support that come from having a circle (no matter how small) of dear friends; or the eye-pleasing joy that comes from viewing a circle of […]

a new leaf

I never was one for New Year’s resolutions. No sooner are the words out of my mouth than the promises seem to vaporize into thin air. Committing to losing those few pounds, swearing to write 3000 words a day (speak, yes; write, not so much), promising to look before I leap (or, in some cases, […]

can’t hold a candle to you

In our home we celebrate birthdays (and the day before birthdays because we just can’t wait another minute) with candles and cupcakes. And, sometimes, with some remarkable (read “out of left field”) conversations. Yesterday, the day before my big day, was no different. To wit: Me: Will you still feed me? He: (distracted as he […]

amazing grays

Here’s the thing I’ve learned about getting older — it sort of sneaks up on you. Turning 30, 40, and even 50 really didn’t faze me all that much. Turning 60 was an oh-my-god moment, though (because there’s no way, by any stretch of the imagination, that 60 can literally be considered middle-aged — how […]

helio again

Dear Ms. Sun: Here we are. Another birthday of mine in the next day or so, meaning another trip around you. Unlike the rest of us (who all, at one time or another, think the earth revolves around us), you, actually, are entitled to feel that way (you heliocentric being, you). And while this past […]